Delighted to be named the Grand Prize Winner Astronomy Division – of the inaugural Save a Star Foundation Astro2021 Competition!
Entrants from over 30 countries participated in a high-quality field, judged by some of the World’s leading names in Astrophotography.
All my winning images were taken from my light-polluted suburban backyard in Melbourne, Australia.
The equipment used was a Takahashi TOA130 Refractor, QSI 6162 & 683 cameras, Takahashi NJP Mount, SX Lodestar guider.
Astro2021 Competition Grand Prize Winning images
A Limited Selection of these winning images are now available for purchase.
Only available until Oct 31, 2022.
About the Save a Star Foundation
Our Mission : AstroAdvocacy
The Save a Star Foundation (SAS) is a 501(c)3 Utah based nonprofit founded to advance and support Preserving and Reclaiming Dark Skies in the Western United States.
Founded by a communications professional and international award winning nightscape photographer, SAS introduces a bold new vision. We endeavor to educate, influence, and share the consequences of light pollution in a new, compelling and creative way.
While artificial light is one of humanity’s greatest achievements, there is the excess, poor planning, good intentions, but poor execution. SAS is partnering with business to expand a community of thought leaders and tech innovators to leverage their corporate social responsibility toward our ambitious mission.