Third finished image from the big Tak/QSI 6162/Chroma combo.
This is a very Hydrogen rich region, so have deliberately allowed some of the background nebulosity to show through.
The Chroma 5nm filter worked a treat as the Ha was taken just 30 degrees from a full moon!
To me it resembles a genie pouring out of the magic lamp!Ha – 11x1200secs
O3-17 x 1800 secs
S2- 10x1200secs
RG&B 10×180 secs ea.

Captured using Ekos on a Mac.

Processed in APP & PS CC 2020 – with Topaz NR
Taken from my light polluted suburban backyard in Melbourne.

NGC 6334 cats paw nebula narrowband
6334 cats paw nebula narrowband

Capture Details

Telescope Takahashi TOA 130 + Flattener 67
Camera QSI 6162 WSG8
Mount Takahashi NJP Temma 2
Filters Chroma 5nm Ha & S2, 3nm O3 & RGB
Guiding Camera Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2
Integration time (Exposure) 17 hrs
Location Burwood, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Date June, 2020

About this Nebula

At 5,500 light years distant, the Cat’s Paw nebula NGC 6334 is an emission nebula with a red colour that originates from an abundance of ionised hydrogen atoms. Alternatively known as the Bear Claw Nebula, stars nearly ten times the mass of our Sun have been born there in only the past few million years. Pictured here is a deep field image of the Cat’s Paw Nebula in light emitted by hydrogen, oxygen, and sulphur. (text from Apod).


No Pussyfooting is the debut studio album by the British duo Fripp & Eno, released in 1973. The first of three major collaborations between the musicians using early tape delay looping experiments and guitar techniques.

- Wikipedia.