A hybrid treatment of this popular favourite.
LRGB from light-polluted suburban Melbourne, Australia (Pop 5,000,000)
Worked hard to get colours correct, including using a seperate blue LUM layer in PS.

Processed in Astropixel Processor & Photoshop CC 2019 – Topaz N/R.



Triffid M20 Nebula
Triffid M20 Nebula

Capture Details

Telescope Skywatcher CF 10" F4 Newtonian
Camera QSI 683 WSG8
Mount Takahashi NJP Temma 2
Filters Astrodon 5nm Ha & RGB
Guiding Camera Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2
Integration time (Exposure) 8.3 hrs
Location Burwood, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Date July, 2019

About this Nebula

The beautiful Trifid Nebula is a cosmic study in contrasts. Also known as M20, it lies about 5,000 light-years away toward the nebula rich constellation Sagittarius. A star forming region in the plane of our galaxy, the Trifid does illustrate three different types of astronomical nebulae; red emission nebulae dominated by light from hydrogen atoms, blue reflection nebulae produced by dust reflecting starlight, and dark nebulae where dense dust clouds appear in silhouette. But the red emission region roughly separated into three parts by obscuring dust lanes is what lends the Trifid its popular name. Pillars and jets sculpted by newborn stars, below and left of the emission nebula’s center, appear in famous Hubble Space Telescope close-up images of the region. The Trifid Nebula is about 40 light-years across. Just too faint to be seen by the unaided eye, it almost covers the area of the Moon in planet Earth’s sky.

The Triffid Nebula

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“And we danced, on the brink of an unknown future, to an echo from a vanished past.”

- John Wyndham: The Day of the Triffids