Sometimes when researching my next project, a fellow astrophotographer’s work will jump out and inspire me to attempt to target that region of space.
One such is displayed here – a beautiful region of the Vela SNR located near Suhail (Gamma Velorum).
Image & processing inspired by Marco Lorenzi.
Taken over 3 nights from from Burwood, Suburban Melbourne.
Note to self, my little Stellarvue SV70T is a tad over-mounted on the mighty TAK NJP!

Capture Details
About this Nebula
A wave of Ionised Oxygen (O3) streaks across the background clouds of Hydrogen (Ha). It is believed to result from a powerful explosion of a star some 11,000 -12,000 years ago.
The shock waves shown in the image as blue from oxygen emission and red from hydrogen emission have been expanding ever since.
The huge star at the top left is Gamma Velorum, a quadruple star system in the constellation Vela. At a combined magnitude +1.7, it is one of the brightest stars in the night sky, and contains by far the closest and brightest Wolf-Rayet star. It has the traditional Arab name Suhail al Muhlif. (wiki)
The open cluster at the centre is Collinder 173.
“I’m surfing the giant life wave.”