One of my first narrowband images, and still remains a favourite.

The title refers to the gemstone from the James Bond Movie ” Never Say Never Again”, as this object reminds me of a beautiful pendant dangling in space.

3 hrs 5mn Ha 15 min subs
5 hrs 5nm O3 15 min subs
3 hrs S2 15 min subs
Hubble palatte (sort of)
RGB stars – 2min exposures x 30 mins
Taken at LMDSS Dark Sky site – Heathcote, Vic, Australia.

Processed in Nebulosity & Photoshop CC 2015

Silver Award (with Distinction) 2015 AIPP Australian Professional Photography Awards

Silver Award (with Distinction) 2015 AIPP Victorian Professional Photography Awards

ngc 3324 Nebula narrowband image astrophotography
Tears of Allah NGC 3324

Capture Details

Telescope William Optics FLT 110
Camera QSI 683 WSG8
Mount Skywatcher EQ6 Pro
Filters Astrodon 5nm Ha, O3, S2 & RGB
Guiding Camera Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2
Integration time (Exposure) 11 hrs
Location Leon Mow Dark Sky Site, Heathcote, Victoria, Australia
Date Jan, 2015

About this Nebula

This bright cosmic cloud was sculpted by stellar winds and radiation from the hot young stars of open cluster NGC 3324. With dust clouds in silhouette against its glowing atomic gas, the pocket-shaped star-forming region actually spans about 35 light-years. It lies some 7,500 light-years away toward the nebula rich southern constellation Carina. A composite of narrowband image data, the telescopic view captures the characteristic emission from ionized sulfur, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms mapped to red, green, and blue hues in the popular Hubble Palette. For some, the celestial landscape of bright ridges of emission bordered by cool, obscuring dust along the right side create a recognizable face in profile. The region’s popular name is the Gabriela Mistral Nebula for the Nobel Prize winning Chilean poet.

“Love beauty it is the shadow of God on the universe”

- Gabrielle Mistral